Council Agenda - City of BurbankTuesday, March 18, 2003Agenda Item - 3 |
The purpose of the this report is to provide information to the City Council to consider adopting a resolution to approve a Cooperation agreement between the City and the Redevelopment Agency indicating the Agency�s willingness to consider, at a later date, the transfer of Agency property to the City for the new Central Library project. BACKGROUND The City is planning the construction of a 65,000 square-foot library project on the block bounded by North Glenoaks Boulevard, North Third Street, East Olive Avenue and East Orange Grove Avenue. The library project is contingent upon the award of State Library Grant funds. The block is approximately 154,704 square feet. The City owns approximately 92,404 square feet and the Agency owns approximately 62,300 square feet. The library project will require approximately 50,921 square feet of the Agency�s property. The proposed Cooperation Agreement indicates that, subject to the award of State Grant funds to the City for the library project, the Agency will consider the conveyance of the necessary Agency property to the City for the project. In order for the Agency to transfer the property to the City it is necessary for the Agency to conduct a public hearing and make certain findings of benefit in order to transfer the property. ANALYSIS In order for the Agency to consider the transfer the Health and Safety Code Section 33445 authorizes redevelopment agencies, with the consent of the legislative body, to pay all or part of the value of the land and construction of buildings, facilities, structure or other publicly-owned improvements with findings of benefit. The findings are generally that the project will benefit the redevelopment agency or the immediate neighborhood and that there is no other reasonable means of financing the project. The proposed Cooperation Agreement indicates that, upon notification by the City of the award of the State Library Grant funds, the Agency will take the necessary steps to transfer the land to the City required for the Central Library project. The agreement also authorizes the City to represent to the State, for purposes of the grant application, to certify the City has ownership and control of the Agency property for purposes of the library project. FISCAL IMPACT The approval of the Cooperation Agreement will not have any fiscal impact to the City. The fiscal impact of the value of the Agency property transfer will be included in the future action to consider the conveyance of the property. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the City Council adopt the proposed resolution authorizing the Interim City Manager, or her designee, to execute the Cooperation Agreement. EXHIBITS Exhibit A Map |