Council Agenda - City of Burbank

Tuesday, February 18, 2003

Agenda Item - 7






DATE: February 18, 2003
TO: Robert R. Ovrom, City Manager
FROM: Sharon Cohen, Library Services Director
SUBJECT: Proposed Library Literacy Joint Venture Between the City Of Burbank/Library and the Burbank Unified School District


The Purpose of this report is to update Council on the progress of the proposed Library Literacy joint venture between the City of Burbank/Library and the Burbank Unified School District (BUSD).


It is the Burbank Public Library�s intention to apply for construction funds from the California State Library Construction and Renovation Bond Act to rebuild the Central Library. This funding, if awarded to Burbank, would provide 65% of the cost of constructing a new library up to a maximum of $20,000,000. The Library will be applying for the maximum grant of $20,000,000. The application is due on March 28, 2003.

The California State Library administers the grant process and has indicated that the highest priority for receiving the grant will be given to libraries that can show a strong partnership with their local school district. Any joint venture agreement between the City/Library and the School District must be made for a minimum of 20 years, with provisions for annual review. This agreement would be fully implemented once the proposed new Central Library is completed.

The Burbank Library staff has been meeting with the BUSD staff to identity possible partnerships that would benefit both the City and the School District. Staff has proposed a joint venture with BUSD that will provide more accessibility of library services for students, and will result in improved student research skills. Library literacy is an important component to successful education. Both groups have determined that this is an area that would meet BUSD needs and would greatly benefit the students. Providing library literacy is something that the Library staff currently does and does very well.

At this point in time, this is just a proposal that is subject to modification as it works its way through the approval process in both the BUSD and the City. The final cooperative agreement, approved by the Burbank Board of Education, will be brought before the City Council for approval on/or before March 18, 2003.


The proposed joint venture would result in improved student research skills for the City�s 4th, 8th and 11th grade students. A representative each from the District, Library and City Manager�s Office would constitute an advisory Committee to implement and evaluate the Joint Venture between the District and the Library. The goals of the joint venture are to:

    • Empower parents to support their children�s school success as they enter school
    • Develop basic reference and research skills in 4th grade students
    • Develop more advanced research skills (primarily electronic) in 8th grade students
    • Support 11th grade students in computer proficiency
    • Provide homework assistance, a homework center and other places for students to study
    • Provide a mechanism to expand the partnership between the Library and District.

In order to accomplish these goals, each party will have specific responsibilities. It is an important part of the application that the City and the BUSD share equally in the joint venture. It has been proposed that the City of Burbank/Library will:

  • Participate in the Kindergarten Round-Up and New Parent program at each elementary school to stress the importance of parents reading to their children; library staff will distribute pertinent information and library card applications to both parent and child.
  • Provide two library research skill sessions for each 4th grade class � one session to be held in the school library and one held at the new Central Library � using curriculum developed by the BUSD and subjects determined by the 4th grade teachers in conjunction with the Library. The City will provide transportation to the new Central Library for 4th grade classes that cannot walk to the Library.
  • Provide in-service training for teachers on usage of library and Internet resources.
  • Provide one electronic library research session for each 8th grade class, to be held in the school computer lab.
  • Provide PowerPoint software and dedicate computers for use by high school students during specified periods that the new Library is open.
  • Create a Homework Center at the new Central Library, making homework assistance available in the Center during specified hours throughout the week.
  • Work with the BUSD staff to train volunteer assistants (such as Key Club members) and provide community service hour credit.
  • Develop a formal program to accept student volunteers and train them on a quarterly basis.
  • Provide homework assistance software programs for skill development.
  • Provide the facility for student support programs.
  • Provide group study rooms for students to study or work jointly on school projects.

It is proposed that the Burbank Unified School District will:

  • Include library staff in Kindergarten Roundups and New Parent programs at each elementary school.
  • Work with library staff to implement the 4th grade library research skills curriculum.
  • Prepare assignments for their classes to be used in the library research skills sessions in conjunction with the library staff. (4th and 8th grade teachers)
  • Coordinate training sessions for 4th graders (Curriculum Specialist at each school).
  • Develop curriculum for 8th grade student research skills.
  • Coordinate classes at each Middle School (Assistant Principals of Instruction).
  • Train library staff in PowerPoint skills expected of 11th graders, if necessary.
  • Train student volunteers on a quarterly basis to assist in the new Central Library Homework Center.
  • Provide to the Library a copy of each textbook used by grades 3-12. These textbooks will be available for in-library use by the students in the Homework Center.


There is no fiscal impact at this time. At the time of implementation of this joint venture, it will be necessary to add two additional positions to the library staff to operate this program: a librarian to teach the classes and coordinate the Homework Center and a Library Assistant to help with the program. One full-time librarian would cost $58,701 and a full-time library assistant would cost $48,007. These costs would be incorporated into the over-all fiscal ramping up for opening a new Central Library.

It should also be noted that while the City is agreeing to provide transportation to bring the 4th grade classes to the new Central Library, it is anticipated that this additional cost may be covered with existing resources, i.e. Got Wheels vans, electric shuttles, etc.


Note and file.

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