Council Agenda - City of BurbankTuesday, February 18, 2003Agenda Item - 11 |
The Ralph M. Brown Act (Government Code �54950 et seq.)
governs the notice and conduct of the meetings of local public agencies in
California. Included within the provisions of this statute is the clear right of
the public to address the governing body of a local agency, as provided.
However, Section 54954.3(b) provides that the local agency may adopt reasonable
regulations to govern such public comment. The Burbank City Council has adopted
such regulations establishing several periods of oral communications or
opportunities for the public to address the City Council at each meeting with
time limits and limitations as to what subjects may be addressed.
The Council has indicated a desire to make it clear in the City's regulations for what is designated as the 2nd Period of Oral Communications that speakers may only address those items on that meeting's agenda that are presented for possible action by the City Council and any items that appear on that agenda for consideration by the City Council in Closed Session. Specifically this proposal would not allow public comment during this period of Oral Communications on the ceremonial items, including the invocation, presentations, announcements, and the like. Such items could still be discussed by the public at either the 1st or 3rd Periods of Oral Communications where any item within the subject matter jurisdiction of the City Council may be discussed. Recommendation: It is the recommendation of this office that the Council adopt the following resolution: A Resolution of the Council of the City of Burbank Amending Subsections A.6 and A.11.(a) of Resolution No. 26,029, as Amended by Resolution No. 26,087, Regarding the Subject Matter of Second Oral Communications Before the City Council. |