Council Agenda - City of BurbankTuesday, February 11, 2003Agenda Item - 4 |
Staff is requesting City Council approval of an amendment to the professional services agreement with Widom Wien Cohen O�Leary Terasawa for architectural design services for the Development and Community Services Building. BACKGROUND On September 8, 1998, the City Council directed staff to demolish the Municipal Services Building (MSB), which had been damaged in the 1994 Northridge earthquake. The Council also directed staff to temporarily relocate the MSB employees and proceed with programming and site analysis for a replacement facility. Staff presented the results of a programming study and a conceptual project budget developed by the Nello Group to the City Council on December 19, 2000. The conceptual budget included an austere and pragmatically designed 57,200 square foot three-story building housing 153 employees. The City Council directed staff to proceed with the design and construction of the new Development and Community Services Building (DCSB). On November 6, 2001, the Council approved a professional services agreement (PSA) with Widom Wien Cohen O�Leary Terasawa (WWCOT) for architectural design services for the DCSB with a not-to-exceed fee of $1,077,500. City staff and WWCOT staff presented a schematic design and schematic design budget for the DCSB to the City Council on December 10, 2002. The schematic design budget included several key components added to the project since the development of the conceptual budget presented to the Council in December 2000. These components will help the City better serve the public and enhance the DCSB�s functionality as a civic center. The additional components will also secure a Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) certificate for the DCSB that will decrease long-term operational costs, improve indoor air quality, and be recognized as an environmentally responsible building. The schematic design budget also comprehensively identified all additional costs associated with the additional components. These costs included an increase in the funds budgeted for architectural design services to cover the following:
The Council approved the schematic design budget and directed staff to proceed with the DCSB project through the completion of construction documents, at which time the Council will revisit the DCSB project and decide whether or not to proceed with construction. ANALYSIS Staff is requesting Council approval of the attached amendment to the PSA with WWCOT for architectural design services for the DCSB. The amendment increases WWCOT�s scope of services and accompanying schedule of compensation to reflect the following:
The amendment also extends the original completion date of the PSA from June 30, 2004 to January 31, 2005. The following table shows WWCOT�s original scope of services and the cost of additional services provided for in the amendment.
Staff recommends that the City Council approve this amendment to WWCOT�s PSA to enable the City to pay WWCOT for additional work already completed during the pre-design, schematic design, and design development phases due to changes to the DCSB program. Approval of this amendment to WWCOT�s PSA does not preclude the Council from subsequently postponing completion of the DCSB project at any time in the near future. Under the terms of the PSA, the City may terminate the agreement at the City�s convenience and pay WWCOT for its services through the date of termination plus a reasonable demobilization costs incurred due to the early termination. FISCAL IMPACT The original not-to-exceed fee was $1,077,500. The cost of the additional services provided under the amendment is $555,600. The revised cost of the professional services agreement with WWCOT is $1,633,100. The Council approved the funding for this amendment as part of the schematic design budget approved on December 10, 2002. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the City Council approve the amendment to the professional services agreement with WWCOT for architectural design services for the DCSB.