Council Agenda - City of BurbankTuesday, January 28, 2003Agenda Item - 3 |
PURPOSE To establish the specification for the classification of Customer Programs Coordinator CTC No. 0240, as shown in the attachment. FACTS
FISCAL IMPACT The salary for this title is proposed to be adjusted 4.48% from $4,955 to $5,177 per month. The increase for base salary is $2,664 annually. The Burbank Water & Power FY 2002/03 budget, approved by the City Council, has sufficient salary savings to allow for this increase. ANALYSIS & CONCLUSION The establishment of the classification of Customer Programs Coordinator CTC # 0240 will enhance the ability of the department and the City to recruit and retain highly qualified individuals. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the specification for the classification of Customer Programs Coordinator CTC # 0240 be established as shown in the attachment.
JOHN K. NICOLL Management Services Director