Council Agenda - City of Burbank

Tuesday, January 28, 2003

Agenda Item - 12


Burbank Water and Power



DATE: January 28, 2003
TO: Robert R. Ovrom, City Manager
FROM: Ronald E. Davis, General Manager, BWP
SUBJECT: Water and Electric Operations Update for January 2003



Water Quality

  • Water quality during December met or exceeded State and Federal drinking water standards.

  • Water system tests for total Chromium and Chromium 6 were taken on December 10. The results are attached in table and chart format.

  • The Valley Pumping Plant blend ratio for the month of December was 52.29% MWD to 47.71% BOU.

Financial and Operations Update

  • Potable water sales for December were 710,002 units. This was 3.21% lower than the budgeted sales estimate. Revenue for December was $1,152,179.

  • Reclaimed water sales for December were 7,370 billing units. Revenue for December was $9,443 not including Power Plant sales.

  • Fiscal Year 2002-03 Year-To-Date Water Fund Financial Results as of December 2002

$ in 000�s

( ) = unfavorable















Total Revenues

$ 6,960

$ 7,387


Total Operating Expenses




Operating Income/(Loss)

$ 1,049

$ 678

$ 371


  • The Water Cost Adjustment Charge (WCAC) account had a balance of $1,107,319 at December 31, 2002.

  • The Burbank Operable Unit produced 215.562 million gallons or 661.56 acre-feet of water. The plant capacity factor for December was 53.65 %

  • The Lake Street GAC Treatment Plant continues to be out-of-service except for routine monthly operational maintenance and testing.

Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)

  • BWP received a grant to perform a Vulnerability Assessment from the EPA. Kennedy/Jenks was selected as the Consultant. The Consultant and Water Division staff completed the site visits and various rankings of facilities. We have received the "Draft" report and are reviewing the document and developing comments and recommendations.

  • The design work for the modifications to the Liquid Phase Granulated Activated Carbon (LPGAC) units was completed. Approvals were received from the DHS and Lockheed-Martin. The BWP Board approved the necessary funding increase to the PSA with United Water, Inc. EPA provided approval for fabrication of the necessary materials. Approval for construction will follow after BWP submittal of the final design report to the EPA.

Capital Projects

  • The Water Division completed work on a 12-inch pipeline in the intersection of Hollywood Way and Thornton St. This work ties the developer-installed work on the A-1 Site to the water system.

  • The Water Division began construction work on the 16-inch main expansion of the Reclaimed Water System on Chestnut and Mariposa. The project will provide reclaimed water for the Chandler Bikeway and landscaping scheduled for construction in the spring of 2003.

  • Replacement of interior joint sealant at Reservoir No. 2 will begin in January 2003.

Legislative Update

  • No reportable items this month.


  • Electric Reliability

During the first six-and-a-half months of FY 2002-03, there were 15 outages that affected 6,920 customers, which equals a systemwide average of 0.1289 outages per year compared with an industry average of 1.2 outages per year. The average service availability is 99.996%, exceeding the City goal of 99.99%.


The average outage length was 84 minutes, compared with an industry average of 80 minutes. Burbank fared much better than neighboring utilities in the recent windstorm, in which 98.4% of our customers remained in service.


The September 1 outage of 4 kV Feeder M-5 lasted 3 hours and 25 minutes due to phase imbalance and a November 10 outage of the 12 kV Feeder SJ-10, which lasted 6 hours and 8 minutes, resulting from the failure of a padmount switch. We are reviewing procedures and training with the goal of reducing outage response times to below the industry average. Burbank fared much better than neighboring utilities in the recent windstorm, in which 99% of BWP�s customers remained in service.


The following table shows the systemwide reliability statistics for FY 2001-02 compared to the first six-and-a-half months of FY 2002-03.



Reliability Measure


FY 2001-02

FY 2002-03,

July 1 to January 15

Average Outages Per Year



Average Outage Duration

57.93 minutes

83.94 minutes

Average Service Availability




Financial and Operations Update

  • Fiscal Year 2002-03 Power Financial Results (preliminary) as of December 2002.


Amounts in 000�s

( ) = unfavorable















Total Revenue

$ 100,393

$ 83,001

$ 17,392

Total Operating Expenses(a)



( 7,597)

Operating Income/(Loss)

$ 9,672

$ (123)

$ 9,795





Retail Revenue

$ 68,114

$ 73,203

$ (5,089)

Wholesale Revenue




Other Revenue(b)




Total Revenue



$ 17,392


(a) Includes in-lieu

(b) Transmission and telecom sales

  • MWh sales of 83,415 for December were below the budgeted amount of 86,080. Temperatures were cooler than average with heating degree days at 345 versus a 30 year average of 317. Year-to-date MWh sales remain below budget due to conservation efforts and cooler than average temperatures in the summer months.

  • Wholesale gross margins were above budget for the month of December, but trending down from the summer ($1.2M to $.4M). Winter months generally produce less wholesale sales due to a decrease demand in energy. Year-to-date wholesale gross margins continue to be higher due to BWP�s ability to efficiently use utility assets to increase sales in the wholesale market during the summer months.

Local Generation Operations Update


Unit Status

  • Magnolia 2 turbine demolition completed.

  • Magnolia 3 is in cold shutdown status.

  • Magnolia 4 is in cold shutdown status.

  • Magnolia 5 is available for service.

  • Olive 1 is off line. Unit is in cold shutdown status.

  • Olive 2 is off line. Unit is in cold shutdown status.

  • Olive 3 is available for service.

  • Olive 4 is available for service.

  • Lake One is available for emergency use only. All that remains to make the Lake One combustion turbine operational is successful operation of the unit�s NOx reduction equipment, the SCR. Prior tests nearly passed. At high load levels, the NOx levels exceeded the 5 parts per million standard by just a fraction. As a result, BWP conducted a detailed evaluation of the complete system finding numerous refinements to improve the performance. The manufacturer of the catalyst is currently replacing the catalyst and providing our staff training regarding the installation and handling of the catalyst at no cost to BWP.

The new catalyst is expected to arrive in early February. It will be installed immediately. Tests will be scheduled as soon as possible and under the most favorable conditions possible. The test results will be compiled and certified by an independent testing company and sent to the SCAQMD. The SCAQMD staff will then review the results. If the results are satisfactory a permit to operate will be issued. This process can take nearly two months.

  • The Magnolia Cooling Towers 1, 2, 3 and 4 have been demolished. The BWP Yard is being cleared and fenced off for the Magnolia Power Project. All personnel lockers have been moved out of the Magnolia plant change room. An 8-foot section of main and bypass gas fuel lines were removed from the Magnolia 3 and 4 boilers.

  • The Olive Units 1 and 2 boilers were out of hot standby and cooled down on December 12. Olive Unit 1 is being abated for asbestos in the areas needed for the NOx Retrofit Project.

  • The Olive and Magnolia Combustion Turbines were run due to loss of IPP power.

December 2002 Unit Data




Operating Hours


NOx, lbs.










































Power Supply

  • Transmission and Regional Transmission Organizations (RTOs)

The filing date for comments on the Federal Energy Regulatory Commissions (FERC�s) Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NOPR), which deals with Standard Market Design (SMD) for RTO�s, has been pushed back to January 2003. This is in response to a "push-back" from various parts of the country, especially the Northwest and Southeast. FERC�s SMD proposal has also been subject to various congressional investigations. As well, FERC has recently approved the formation of several new regional RTO�s whose market structure differs from the blue print set forth in the NOPR. In view of the foregoing, it is not known at this time whether or when SMD might be implemented.

  • FERC Data Requests and Refund Calculation

FERC has launched a 100 day investigation into the events that led to the price run-ups in the natural gas and electricity markets in 2000 and 2001. Burbank received an extensive data request from California Parties representing the Attorney General and various State agencies. Considerable staff time was spent during the month preparing BWP�s responses.

  • Restructuring of Gas Industry in California

Implementation of the Comprehensive Settlement by Southern California Gas Company (SoCalGas) is still under suspension. It now appears that the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) will be making a decision in mid-January regarding whether the settlement should be implemented.

Capital Projects

  • Metso Supervisory Control and Data Aquisition/Energy Management System (SCADA/EMS)

The Remote Terminal Unit (RTU) modifications for the Victory Distributing Station has been completed, as well as the annunciator change out at the Naomi Distributing Station. Fieldwork is underway on RTU modifications for the Naomi, McCambridge and Winona Distributing Stations. The RTU drawings for Town Distributing Stations were issued. A Metso software engineer was on-site to modify the Interchange Transaction Scheduling (ITS) software to correctly reflect BWP�s energy scheduling practices. The tag designations requested by the Dispatchers were successfully added as well as fast calculation software to calculate and display percent line loading, power factor, etc. from incoming data. The RTU installation at the Victory Distributing Station is complete.


BWP continues to link SCADA to the Distributed Control System (DCS) at the Olive Power Plant and Lake Street. Work continued on the energy database and further testing and development of the ITS/Automatic Generation Control (AGC) software.

  • Telecom

BWP provided a proposal for fiber optic service to HeyAnita at 303 N. Glenoaks Boulevard to the Qwest Cyber Center at 3015 Winona Avenue.


BWP held a meeting with representatives from Verizon to begin discussions on developing a partnership to provide existing customers and the City with carrier level services.

  • BWP Administration Building Remodel

Phase III - Interior Building Remodel:


The City Attorney's Office returned the bid package for Phase III of the Building Remodel to BWP for final review and signatures. The architect, Fong Kutner and Associates is still working at finalizing the construction drawings.

  • Electrical Distribution

Engineering for the Media District underground project, Bid Schedule No. 1133, has been completed for extending the ducts and manholes along Hollywood Way from the Warner Ranch Gate to Oak Street, along Oak Street to California Street, along California Street from Oak Street to Alameda Avenue, and also along Avon Street from Oak Street to the alley north of Alameda. Staff advertised for bids in October and held the bid opening November 19. The bid award was approved by the BWP Board on January 16, 2003.


Construction of the new offramp (to allow construction of a new Hollywood Way Distributing Station) will begin in January. Staff secured a Caltrans permit, and Pacific Bell took care of their remaining lines.


Underground ductwork has been completed near Hollywood Way and San Fernando, allowing an overhead line to be rerouted along a less visible path.


Engineering for Phase I of the DCSB has been completed; however, at this time there is only approval to reroute the existing services and remove the poles.


Victory-Valley No. 2 is energized, and the third 34,500-volt line position at Victory Distributing Station is 50% completed.


Engineering has been completed for replacing oil switches with SF6 switches at San Jose Distributing Station. All fieldwork has been to prepare for taking an outage and installing the switches in place.


Electric service to Howard Business Park (Ontario Street) from the 34,500-volt system has been completed.


Service to Radio Shack has been rerouted to clear the old Police site.


In addition to the identified major projects, 15 padmounted customer stations have been engineered, and ten have been issued to the field.


Engineering has been completed for the final phase of the Ben Mar Hills Project. Three street light improvement and undergrounding projects have been issued to the field.


Work is underway to replace 1,200 residential electric meters with meters that can be read remotely; 521 meters have been installed through January 15.

  • Customer Service

A year long search by BWP staff for a new customer information and billing system (CIS) has concluded with the selection of Systems and Computer Technology, Inc. (SCT)�s Banner Product. SCT will be on-site January 13 to begin the implementation process. Over the past few months, BWP staff has been documenting its current business practices. This is a critical step to ensure we do not overlook any critical tasks or functions and to ensure we focus our attention and resources on areas where they are most needed. The project budget is $3,510,000 and our scheduled implementation date is April 2004.

Legislative Update

  • Refer to the attached for the Legislative update, including SCPPA�s "Legislative and Regulatory Key Interests" report, which has been approved by the SCPPA Board of Directors.







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