Council Agenda - City of Burbank

Tuesday, January 28, 2003

Agenda Item - 10






DATE: January 28, 2003
TO: Robert R. Ovrom, City Manager
FROM: Bruce S. Feng, Public Works Director
SUBJECT: A Resolution of the Burbank City Council APPROVING a Household Hazardous Waste contract Agreement Between the Cities of Burbank and Glendale for Continued Use of the Glendale Environmental Management Center


Staff is requesting City Council approval of an agreement between the Cities of Burbank and Glendale to allow the continued use of the Glendale household hazardous waste (HHW) facility known as the Environmental Management Center (EMC) by Burbank residents until December 31, 2003.


On March 1, 2000, the California Integrated Waste Management Board (CIWMB) awarded an Eighth Cycle regional HHW discretionary grant in the amount of $178,291 to the Cities of Burbank, Glendale and La Ca�ada-Flintridge to fund handling and disposal costs for HHW collected from residents of all three cities at the EMC located in the City of Glendale. With 32% of the total population for all three cities, Burbank received $57,053 (32% of the total grant funding).

Staff from the three cities planned to use the grant funds to pay for the first 25 months of the inter-city HHW collection program (March 1, 2000 to March 31, 2002). With Glendale charging $50 per vehicle to use the EMC, Burbank staff calculated that the City�s portion of the funds would pay for an average of 48 vehicles from Burbank per month over the 25-month grant period. The grant agreement with CIWMB also stipulated that the Cities would continue the program with city funding after the first 25 months. Burbank agreed to commit $20,000 annually to continue the HHW program after the 25-month grant period was complete.

According to the Glendale Participation Log, 1,187 Burbank vehicles used the Glendale EMC from the beginning of the grant period through the end of FY 00-01, averaging 85 vehicles per month. During FY 01-02, 1,033 Burbank residents used the EMC, averaging 86 vehicles per month. With approximately 37 more vehicles using the EMC per month than anticipated, the original grant funding was exhausted just after the end of FY 00-01, approximately 10 months before the end of the original grant period. In September 2001, the three cities agreed to continue the HHW program at the EMC and use city funds from each of the cities to pay for the use of the EMC. The cities amended the original agreement to reflect this change in funding sources. The amended agreement expired June 30, 2002.

The Glendale EMC is open to accept HHW from Burbank residents every Wednesday from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. and the second Saturday of every month from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. The convenience of the nearby EMC encourages residents to dispose of their HHW safely and properly while protecting the environment by reducing the amount of HHW illegally disposed of in the City�s landfill, alleys and streets.


Staff is requesting that the City Council approve the attached agreement that allows the continued use of the Glendale EMC by Burbank residents until December 31, 2003. The new agreement keeps the cost to use the EMC at the current $50 per vehicle. Staff has found that the $50 per vehicle cost is generally lower than the cost of similar programs. The sustained use of the EMC by Burbank residents since March 2000 demonstrates that residents are aware of the program and understand the need to properly dispose of HHW and keep it out of the City�s landfill, and off of the City�s streets, alleys, and gutters.

In both FY 01-02 and 02-03, Burbank budgeted $45,000 to pay for the continued use of the EMC. The budgeted amount pays for 75 vehicles per month. Since resident usage of the EMC has historically been slightly higher than the number of vehicles for which this fiscal year�s budgeted amount will pay, Recycle Center staff has taken several steps to promote the most efficient use of the FY 2002-2003 funds. These steps include:

  • Encouraging resident use of Los Angeles County roundups in nearby areas (North Hollywood, Dodger Stadium, and Los Angeles Valley College) and yearly roundups in Burbank and Glendale funded by a landfill tax on all 88 cities within the County.
  • Reminding callers that the Burbank Recycle Center is open six days a week and accepts some HHW such as household batteries, oil, oil filters and anti-freeze.
  • Suggesting alternative disposal sites for some HHW (e.g., car batteries).
  • Providing educational materials that explain alternatives to using household hazardous products.
  • Encouraging residents to make the best use of the Glendale EMC by taking the maximum amount of HHW in one trip whenever possible.

Initial research on the feasibility of accepting paint, the most common HHW, at the Recycle Center indicates that it would be more cost effective to have Burbank residents continue to use the EMC for paint disposal than to meet the State�s space, financial and hazardous waste handling requirements for establishing an ABOP (anti-freeze, batteries, oil and paint) collection at the Recycle Center.


The fee for Burbank residents to use the EMC for HHW disposal will remain at $50 per vehicle. The FY 02-03 budget included $45,000 in the Refuse Fund (498.PW31C.62170) for Burbank�s use of the EMC.


Staff recommends that the City Council adopt the proposed resolution approving an agreement between Glendale and Burbank for use of the EMC by Burbank residents.

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