Present- - - - |
Council Members Campbell, Golonski, Ramos, Vander Borght and Murphy. |
Absent - - - - |
Council Members None. |
Also Present - |
Ms. Alvord, City Manager; Mr. Barlow, City Attorney; and, Mrs. Campos,
City Clerk.
Communications |
There was no response to the Mayor�s invitation for oral communications on
Closed Session matters at this time.
5:04 P.M.
Recess |
The Council recessed at this time to the City Hall Basement Lunch
Room/Conference Room to hold a Closed Session on the following:
a. Conference with Real Property Negotiator:
Pursuant to Govt. Code �54956.8
Agency Negotiator: Community Development
Property: 415 Front Street (APN 2449-036-904),
High Rail Parcel (APN 2449-037-902), Vacated Portion of
Front Street.
Parties with Whom City is Negotiating: Bert Boeckmann
and the Ford Motor Company.
Name of Contact Person:
Jack Lynch, Senior
Redevelopment Project Manager.
Terms Under Negotiation:
Sale of property.
5:25 P.M.
Traffic and
Study Session |
Mr. Herrmann, Assistant
Community Development Director/ Transportation, reported that at the
Traffic and Transportation Study Session held on July 22, 2003, the
Council directed staff to provide further information on the following
traffic-related issues: the current levels of service at local
intersections; neighborhood protection programs; the City�s effect on the
Metropolitan Transportation Authority bus service; the Arroyo-Verdugo
Transportation Audit recommendations for improving transit service;
options for implementing an expanded intra-city transit system and
noon-time shuttle service; the concept and operation of car-sharing
programs; and, the feasibility of an internal shuttle service at the
Empire Center. He added that following the commencement of the new school
session in early September 2003, staff conducted traffic counts of
critical intersections and determined that the intersections with
Level-Of-Service (LOS) D or below had improvement plans in progress.
Mr. Feng informed the Council that staff was working on
improvement plans for the worst seven intersections, one at LOS E and six
at LOS F, and a detailed report would be provided including the associated
Mr. Golonski inquired if the Police Department had any
preferences for traffic improvements, and Lieutenant
Madrid responded that
there was a decrease in the number of accidents following the installation
of left-turn traffic signals, and suggested providing more traffic routes
such as the proposed Empire Center on and off-ramps, in addition to
increased traffic education in schools.
Mr. Johnson, Assistant Public Works Director/Traffic
Engineer, reported that approximately six Neighborhood Protection Plans
have been implemented since 1996, and speed humps have been installed on
approximately 70 streets citywide. He noted the most prevalent problems
reported by neighborhoods include: speeding traffic; less parking
availability; and, increased cut-through traffic. He added that staff
would present prioritized recommendations to the Council for addressing
these issues. At Mr. Vander Borght�s request, he explained the petitioning
process for speed humps for any interested neighborhoods, and added that
speed humps were cost-effective and required low maintenance.
Mr. Campbell requested that traffic circles also be
considered for traffic calming devices, and expressed concern with speed
humps as they increase the response time for emergency services.
Mrs. Ramos inquired as to the status of the Neighborhood
Protection Plan for the Platt Project area, and Mr. Herrmann responded a
community meeting was scheduled to take place on
October 29, 2003, and
that the recently-completed traffic counts for the area will be discussed
with the residents.
Following deliberations, the Council�s consensus was to
agendize another Traffic and Transportation Study Session.
Regular Meeting
Reconvened in
Council Chambers |
The regular meeting of the Council of the City of Burbank was reconvened
at 6:33 p.m. by Ms. Murphy, Mayor.
The invocation was given by Steve Raine, Elder, First Presbyterian Church.
Flag Salute
The pledge of allegiance to the flag was led by Mr. Flad, Assistant City
Present- - - - |
Council Members Campbell, Golonski, Ramos, Vander Borght and Murphy. |
Absent - - - - |
Council Members None. |
Also Present - |
Ms. Alvord, City Manager; Mr. Barlow, City Attorney; and, Mrs. Campos,
City Clerk.
End Domestic
Violence and
Breast Cancer
Mayor Murphy presented a proclamation in honor of Ending
Domestic Violence and Encouraging Breast Cancer Awareness Month to Doreen
Key, President of the Soroptimist International of the Verdugos.
Public Power
Week |
Mayor Murphy presented a proclamation in honor of Public
Power Week 2003 to Janice Slaby, Vice Chair of the Burbank Water and Power
Burbank Community
Volunteers |
Norm Stockton, Assistant Fire Chief, introduced Mr.
Baenen, Disaster Preparedness Coordinator, who briefly described the
Community Disaster Volunteer Program (CDV). Linda Silvas spoke on behalf
of the volunteers, stating her reasons for joining the program and
encouraging more residents to become disaster volunteers. Mr. Baenen
recognized Fire Fighter Ron Barone and Rick Mehling, Disaster Preparedness
Coordinator, for their continued support and for directing the program
during his absence. Mayor Murphy presented certificates of recognition to
the following members of the CDV Steering Committee: Linda Silvas, Deborah
Shane, Michael Rogers, Christine Renna, Victor Ortiz, Thom
Hansen-O�Shaughnessy, Joe Dunn, Bobbie Canell and Eric Baumgardner.
Airport Authority
Meeting |
Airport Commissioner Wiggins reported on the Airport
Authority meetings of September 22 and
October 6, 2003. He
stated the Authority received a briefing from the ad hoc committee on
renaming the Airport, and informed the Council the services of Mr. Paul
Hastings were retained to address the patent and naming rights issues. He
also added that a change order to the Professional Services Agreement with
Wyle Laboratories, Inc. regarding the Residential Acoustical Treatment
Program was approved; a ground lease was awarded to the Southern
California Public Power Authority; and, new technology was acquired to
enhance the customer service provided by valet operations. Commissioner
Wiggins also reported on the schedule changes by Alaska Airlines,
Southwest Airlines, America West Airlines, American Airlines, United
Airlines, and Federal Express in response to requests by the City and
Airport Authority staff for compliance with the voluntary curfew. He
commended the Council for writing letters to the airlines in that regard.
Mr. Golonski expressed gratitude to the Airport
Commissioners and the Councils of Glendale and
Pasadena for their
support in sending letters as well, and inquired as to the status of the
Airport Authority�s consideration for purchasing alternative fuel
vehicles. Commissioner Wiggins responded the matter was on the agenda for
the Legal and Environmental Committee meeting on
October 8, 2003.
Reporting on
Closed Session |
Mr. Barlow reported on the items considered by the City Council and the
Redevelopment Agency during the Closed Session meetings.
Initial Open
Public Comment
Period of Oral
Communications |
Ms. Murphy called for speakers for the initial open public comment period
of oral communications at this time.
Comment |
Appearing to comment were
Grace Sommers,
suggesting the Airport be named in honor of Kelly Johnson, who designed
Lockheed aircraft for 50 years; C.L. Stack, noting the cost for Bob Hope�s
shows for the military was paid for by the taxpayers, as his contributions
were in the area of entertainment; Don Elsmore, requesting response to the
communication he sent to the Council regarding the traffic signal at
Verdugo Avenue and Clybourn Avenue; Esther Espinoza, commenting on the
annual Holocaust commemoration and on discrimination; and David Piroli,
commenting on Bob Hope�s name being patented, noting the potentially-high
cost of the proposed Airport name change to the airlines and businesses,
and inquiring if there were any fundraising possibilities towards the
Response |
Members of the Council and staff responded to questions raised.
Agenda Item
Oral Communications |
Ms. Murphy called for speakers for the agenda item oral communications at
this time.
Comment |
Appearing to comment were
C.L. Stack, commenting
on the Airport Authority meeting of October 6, 2003 and stating Bob Hope�s
legacy can best be honored in a museum; Esther Espinoza, commenting on
security issues at the Airport; Don Elsmore, inquiring as to the current
status of valet parking and car rental operations at the Airport; and
David Piroli, clarifying that his question pertained to the fundraising
method for the proposed name change, commenting on the Arroyo-Verdugo
Cities Subregion Transit Audit Project, and in opposition to duplicating
the service of the Metropolitan Transit Authority (MTA) rather than
encouraging the MTA to provide better service.
Response |
Members of the Council and staff responded to questions raised.
7:47 P.M.
Recess |
The Council recessed to permit the Redevelopment Agency to hold its
meeting. The Council reconvened at 7:48 p.m. with all members present.
Motion |
It was moved by Mr. Campbell and seconded by Mr. Vander Borght that "the
following items on the consent calendar be approved as recommended.�
Civil Service
Status of
Mid-Management |
Izay Park Walk
Of Fame
(B.S. No. 1146) |
NO. 1146.
Adopted |
The consent calendar was adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Council Members Campbell, Golonski, Ramos, Vander Borght and
Noes: Council Members None.
Absent: Council Members None.
Cities Subregion
Transit Audit
Project |
Mr. Herrmann, Assistant Community Development Director/
Transportation, reported that the Arroyo-Verdugo Cities Subregion
encompasses the cities of
Glendale, La Canada Flintridge, Pasadena and South Pasadena, with a
Steering Committee comprised of representatives from each of the cities�
Councils. He noted that the Steering Committee recommended that the
transit audit results be presented to each of the Councils for
consideration. He informed the Council of an earlier transportation survey
in the subregion which concluded that a significant portion of commuters
would be inclined to take public transit if it was made convenient. He
stated the purpose of the Transit Audit Study was to identify existing
deficiencies and unmet service needs; determine the benefits of greater
cooperation between the cities; develop transportation improvements to
address the existing deficiencies; and, develop a funding strategy for
implementation of the recommended improvement plan.
Mr. Herrmann reported
that while the conclusions reached in the study generally pertain to the
subregion as a whole, most have a local context as well. Within Burbank,
he stated that the study revealed an unmet demand for better connections
between the Airport and area transportation nodes and activity centers;
and, service deficiencies along the Buena Vista Street, Verdugo Avenue,
and Kenneth Road corridors. He added that two scenarios were developed to
address the subregion needs: Strategy A that would establish eight new
transit lines while maintaining the same frequency and span of service at
a cost of $5.5 million; or, Strategy B which would add 14 new bus routes
and increase the frequency of all routes at a cost of $2.7 million, for a
projected increase of approximately 33 percent in ridership. He specified
in Burbank, Strategy A would add four new bus routes at a cost of $831,000
per year; and, Strategy B would increase the frequency and span of service
of the four routes at a cost of $1.5 million per year.
Mr. Herrmann then
explained the study recommendations and funding mechanisms, and added that
although the Burbank Transportation Commission was supportive of the
study�s recommendations, concerns were expressed regarding the cost; the
impact on existing local service levels; whether the benefit was
commensurate with the cost; and, the possibility of autonomy and response
to local needs being lost in a regional organization. He also reported
that Park, Recreation and Community Services staff also expressed concern
regarding the potential impact on local services; projected costs and
ridership, especially the inequity regarding the magnitude of the
increased cost per hour between Glendale and Burbank of $33 per hour as
opposed to $45 per hour, respectively; the change from a demand responsive
service to a fixed route which may not be acceptable to the riders; the
50-cent fare which could affect certain reimbursement programs from the
Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA) for facilitating Metrolink
ridership; and, loss of control on a regional service.
Motion |
Following Council deliberation it was moved by Mr. Vander Borght and
seconded by Mr. Campbell that �the Council authorize staff to work with
the Arroyo-Verdugo Cities Subregion to complete the following proposed
priority implementation plan: 1) pursuing opportunities for increased
cooperation and resource sharing between municipalities; 2) meeting with
the MTA to discuss implementing identified regional service improvements;
3) investigating the feasibility of establishing a single transit
operations and maintenance facility for a subregional transit service;
and, 4) investigating the feasibility or establishing a joint marketing
and customer information service and center for the subregion,
with the caveat that the aforementioned was for
discussion purposes only.�
Carried |
The motion carried by the following vote:
Ayes: Council Members Campbell, Golonski, Ramos, Vander Borght and
Noes: Council Members None.
Absent: Council Members None.
8:57 P.M.
Reconvene Redev. Agency
Meting |
The Redevelopment Agency meeting was reconvened at this time.
Final Open
Public Comment
Period of Oral
Communications |
Ms. Murphy called for speakers for the final open public comment period of
oral communications at this time.
Comment |
Appearing to comment were
Eden Rosen,
commending the Council for their decision to revoke the Gitana Conditional
Use Permits at the September 30, 2003 meeting; and Mike Nolan, commending
the Council for their discussion regarding the Arroyo-Verdugo Cities
Subregion Transit Audit Project report.
Members of the Council and staff responded to questions raised.
Adjournment |
There being no further business to come before the Council, the meeting
was adjourned at 9:00 p.m.
Margarita Campos, City Clerk