City of Burbank - Council Minutes

Wednesday, July 23, 2003

An adjourned meeting of the Council of the City of Burbank was held at the Buena Vista Library Community Room, 300 North Buena Vista Street, on the above date.  The meeting was called to order at 7:42 a.m. by Ms. Murphy, Mayor.




Present- - - -

Council Members Campbell, Ramos, Vander Borght and Murphy.

Absent - - - -

Council Member Golonski.

Also Present -

Ms. Alvord, City Manager; Mr. Barlow, City Attorney; and, Mrs. Campos, City Clerk.  Supervisor Antonovich, Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors, was also present.





There was no response to the Mayor�s invitation for oral communications at this time.





Mayor Murphy expressed appreciation to Supervisor Antonovich for his sensitivity to budget issues.  Supervisor Antonovich briefly reported on the status of the Los Angeles County�s (County) budget issues, and noted the difficult position of local governments.  He stated his opinion that the State should adopt a two-year budget which would allow local governments the ability to plan their budgets accordingly.  Mayor Murphy inquired whether Supervisor Antonovich had spoken with Pasadena Mayor Bogaard, who was supportive of organizing several agencies to put together an initiative to address solutions to the budget problems, noting the probability of such an initiative passing due to the current political climate, if supported by a bi-partisan group. Mayor Murphy stated Burbank would be supportive of such an effort, and Supervisor Antonovich suggested the matter be placed on a future Council agenda for consideration.


Mr. Campbell inquired as to the County�s stand on Assembly Bill (AB) 1690, and the Supervisor responded the County was opposed to the Bill.






With regard to County transportation issues, Supervisor Antonovich informed the Council of the pending legislation to increase representation on the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA) by two members, noting a fifth and sixth member of the independent cities will result in a more equitable distribution of funds.  The Supervisor briefly discussed the local regional transportation plans, which may include the Burbank Media Center as a destination. He noted the recent passage of a motion by the MTA to review the rail system plans into the next decade.  Mayor Murphy emphasized the importance of long-term transportation planning, and the Supervisor invited the Council take a ride on the recently-opened Gold Line.  Mr. Campbell requested Supervisor Antonovich inform the Council of any efforts the City could undertake to support public transportation.



County Health


Mayor Murphy introduced a discussion on County health facilities, noting a concern with recent closures.  Supervisor Antonovich responded there was a pending court case and temporary restraining order, which temporarily restricted reductions at the Rancho and University of Southern California (USC) Medical Centers. He noted, however, Rancho Medical Center would be downsized to 150 beds and USC Medical Center would also be reduced prior to the trial, pursuant to a County waiver which expires in two years and mandates annual reductions. He also informed the Council California ranks 50th in the Nation in Medi-Cal reimbursement, and that the Federal government was encouraging the State to improve the situation. He noted the County�s preference that the funds be distributed directly to the County�s, but noted the Federal government was not inclined to do so since this would encourage other counties to make similar requests.


Ms. Alvord inquired as to the County�s plans with the property previously occupied by the clinics, and the Supervisor responded while the County was closing some clinics, others were being opened, including the new health center in the High Desert area. He added, until a fiscal package was in place, there would be no final decision, and noted there were several new private groups expanding health services.  Mayor Murphy stated the closure of health facilities affects a large segment of the population and offered Burbank�s support.  She informed the Supervisor about the children�s dental clinic which operates at the Burbank Family YMCA, noting the difficulty in educating the public about the free service. Mrs. Ramos inquired whether the County provided health care services at the Azusa Family Resource Center.  The Supervisor noted the City of Pasadena operated its own health department in collaboration with the County. Mrs. Ramos expressed interest in how Burbank could partner with the County in a family resource center. Mayor Murphy suggested the Council agendize a discussion on distributing an information sheet advising residents where they could avail themselves of County health services.






Mayor Murphy introduced the issue of workers compensation costs, expressing grave concern with the current situation, and inquired what Burbank could do in order to effect changes. In response, Supervisor Antonovich stated the Legislature must change the current law.  He informed the Council he receives letters about business closures on a regular basis, and mentioned large businesses have left the State due to escalating workers compensation costs. Specifically, he stated in May 2003, California lost 21,500 jobs, 11,000 of which were based in Southern California, and stated in June 2003, he was advised that Disney was closing its Glendale store. Mayor Murphy emphasized the situation was greatly affecting the City�s budget, and inquired of any groups which are banding together to convey a strong message to Sacramento for reform. Supervisor Antonovich responded the chambers of commerce have discussed such a plan in the past, but he was unaware of any specifically planned actions. He added associations should be working on a package for restructuring workers compensation reform. Mr. Vander Borght noted workers compensation problems were present in the private as well as public sectors, and requested the Supervisor keep this issue in the forefront.  Mayor Murphy requested Supervisor Antonovich keep the City informed of any efforts to address the issue. Discussion ensued about the cost of workers compensation litigation, and the fact that on several occasions, litigations were settled to minimize legal expenses.



Air Quality



Mr. Campbell expressed concern with the upcoming Air Quality Management Plan, specifically noting the risks of losing highway funds which provide infrastructure and public transit funding.  Supervisor Antonovich stated a public hearing on this matter was held on July 21, 2003, at which only one individual commented.  He added another public hearing would be conducted in Ontario the following week, for a total of five hearings in the region, and noted input from these meetings would provide information to be included in a proposal. 


Mr. Vander Borght requested a contact staff person in the Supervisor�s office to aid the City in taking advantage of the available resources for alternative means to ease traffic congestion.  Supervisor Antonovich noted the County had initiated the signal synchronization program a few years ago, noting its importance, and adding 66 cities have participated in the program over the past eight years. Dave Pilker, representing the County Department of Public Works, gave an update on the department�s activities in Burbank, noting the department has been working with Burbank for a number of years, and is currently working on signal synchronization on Glenoaks Boulevard. He referenced the San Fernando Intelligent Transportation Systems project to implement a regional communication network, and Mr. Vander Borght indicated the Council took action on this matter at the July 22, 2003 Council meeting, and reiterated any public transportation possibilities with the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA) would be helpful to Burbank. 


Kevin Michel, representing the MTA, gave a brief status report, and noted several ways in which Burbank could get more involved in transportation issues, including: obtaining representation on the MTA San Fernando Valley Sector that deals with issues in the San Fernando Valley; participating in the Arroyo-Verdugo Cities Subcommittee which has put together a long-term transportation plan, delineating opportunities for the cities to work together to better use transportation dollars; and, participating in the County�s Call for Projects program, which provides grants to local jurisdictions for transport-related projects.  Mr. Michel also advised the MTA�s Rapid Bus program has been restructured, and discussion ensued regarding the Red Line service. He informed the Council MTA local services are periodically changed, and encouraged Burbank to continue working with the Sector to ensure that bus lines are routed via the proper locations. He also suggested in conditioning new development and mitigating impacts, in addition to the highway projects, the City should require the developer to contribute to transportation improvement projects. Mayor Murphy emphasized the importance of getting the Airport, Media Center and the Downtown Burbank Station connected. Mr. Campbell reiterated the MTA has received national recognition for the Rapid Bus system, and added it would be beneficial to Burbank to have inter-city connections with the Rapid Bus, noting the fact that riders still complain about the length of time associated with the use of public transportation.  Supervisor Antonovich reminded the Council Frank Roberts is the MTA representative for independent cities, and will be chairman next year, providing some leverage for the independent cities, and referenced the George Nacano Bill, Assembly Bill 1652, which seeks to add members to the MTA Board. Mrs. Ramos indicated interest in researching this legislation. 


Regarding the Barham-Cahuenga Corridor, Mr. Vander Borght noted difficulties in obtaining cooperation from Universal, and the Supervisor noted the frequent ownership changes at Universal which further complicate the planning process.  Mr. Michel, discussed the planning design guidelines and stated this matter will be presented to the Board of Supervisors in the near future, noting Universal is powerful and has rights that may preclude the MTA�s development goals. Mr. Campbell stated he did not understand why Universal would not support better traffic flow in the area.





Ms. Alvord inquired as to any action regarding the lawsuit against the Hollywood Bowl for the Easter Sunrise Services. Supervisor Antonovich stated the service was held this year, and plans were underway for next year also. 




Mayor Murphy expressed appreciation to the Supervisor for his interest in Burbank.




There being no further business to come before the Council, the meeting was adjourned at 8:34 a.m. to Tuesday, July 29, 2003 at 5:30 p.m. for an Affordable Housing Study Session.



                                                    ____________________________         s/Margarita Campos          

                                           Margarita Campos, City Clerk   







        s/Marsha R. Ramos         

   Vice Mayor of the Council

       of the City of Burbank


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