regular meeting of the Council of the City of Burbank was held in the Council
Chamber of the City Hall, 275 East Olive Avenue, on the above date. The
meeting was called to order at 5:31 p.m. by Ms. Murphy, Mayor.
Present- |
Council Members Golonski, Ramos, Vander Borght and Murphy. |
Absent - - - - |
Council Member Campbell. |
Also Present - |
Ms. Alvord, City Manager; Mr. Barlow, City Attorney; and, Mrs. Campos,
City Clerk.
Communications |
There was no response to the Mayor�s invitation for oral communications on
Closed Session matters at this time.
5:31 P.M.
Recess |
The Council recessed at this time to the City Hall Basement Lunch
Room/Conference Room to hold a Closed Session on the following:
a. Conference with Legal Counsel � Existing Litigation:
Pursuant to Govt. Code �54956.9(a)
Name of Case: Rubin v. City of Burbank.
Case No.:
LASC No. BC 221942
Brief description and nature of case: City Council meeting
b. Conference with Labor Negotiator:
Pursuant to Govt. Code �54957.6
Name of the Agency Negotiator:
Management Services Director/John Nicoll.
Name of Organization Representing Employee: Burbank
Firefighters and Burbank Firefighter Chief Officers Unit.
Regular Meeting
Reconvened in
Council Chambers |
The regular meeting of the Council of the City of Burbank was reconvened
at 6:34 p.m. by Ms. Murphy, Mayor.
The invocation was given by Chaplain Sally Kinarthy, Providence Saint
Joseph Medical Center.
Flag Salute
The pledge of allegiance to the flag was led by Dennis Barlow, City
Present- |
Council Members Campbell, Golonski, Ramos, Vander Borght and Murphy. |
Absent - - - - |
Council Members None. |
Also Present - |
Ms. Alvord, City Manager; Mr. Barlow, City Attorney; and, Mrs. Campos,
City Clerk.
Flag Day |
Mayor Murphy invited
Sam Engel, Sr., representing the Burbank Noon Kiwanis Club, to receive a
proclamation in honor of Flag Day. Mr. Engel invited the community to
participate in the annual Pause for the Pledge ceremony and displayed the
posters of the first prize winners of the poster contest commemorating
Flag Day in the elementary, middle and high school categories.
Future Problem
Solving Youth
Champions |
Mayor Murphy invited
Barbara Weiss, Team Coach of the Luther Burbank Middle School (Luther
Burbank) Future Problem Solving Team, to the podium to give brief
background information on the State finals of the Future Problem Solving
Competition. She stated Luther Burbank had five teams invited to the
State finals of which one finished in second place and was requested to
represent California at the International Conference in Connecticut. She
informed the Council Future Problem Solving was an academic competition
involving studying five different topics each year and identifying ways of
solving problems related to those topics. She noted the team finished in
the top half of all teams in the junior division, while Eric Parker
finished second in the Alternate Competition. She introduced co-coach,
Annie Souter, and team members Chanel Chun, Kelly Bonner, Ari Alfaro,
Stephanie Cortes and Eric Parker, an alternate. Mayor Murphy presented
Certificates of Recognition to the team members.
Reporting on
Council Liaison
Mr. Vander Borght
reported on the Public Information Office Subcommittee meeting which he
attended with Mr. Golonski and stated minutes of the meeting would be
emailed to each Council Member.
6:48 P.M.
Jt. Hearing with
Redev., Housing,
Parking and YES
Proposed FY
2003-04 Budget |
Mayor Murphy stated that �this is the time and place for the hearing on
the proposed budget for the Fiscal Year 2003-04 for the City,
Redevelopment Agency, Housing Authority, Parking Authority, and Youth
Endowment Services Fund budgets.�
Given |
The City Clerk was asked if notices had been given as required by law.
She replied in the affirmative and advised that no written communications
had been received.
Report |
Mr. Hanway,
Financial Services Director, presented the proposed Fiscal Year (FY)
2003-04 Budget for the City, Redevelopment Agency, Housing Authority,
Parking Authority, and Youth Endowment Services Fund; the Fee Resolution;
and Appropriations Limit. He noted staff proposed a combination of
expenditure reductions and fee increases to address the deficit facing the
City. He informed the Council the Fee Resolution also included a
recommendation to increase the Transient Parking Tax from 10 percent to 12
percent of gross receipts.
He stated the total
proposed budget was $431,375,943 with the General Fund comprising a
quarter of the budget. Regarding appropriations, he stated all fund
appropriations totaled $411,066,749 with General Fund appropriations
totaling a little over a quarter of the total appropriations amount. He
highlighted the major components in the budget and stated total General
Fund revenues were $113,428,850, .9 percent higher than last fiscal year,
and that Property Tax, Sales Tax and Utility Users Tax (UUT) revenues
constituted more than half of the General Fund revenues. He noted the
projections for a 2.2 percent growth rate in Sales Tax revenues; a 5.5
percent growth rate in Property Tax revenues; and reported a 2.7 percent
decrease in UUT revenues with projections still remaining low.
On the
appropriations side, Mr. Hanway stated General Fund appropriations totaled
$109,161,685, 1.5 percent less than last fiscal year�s budget, with the
Police and Fire Departments representing almost half of the General Fund�s
appropriations. He added departments were requested to provide scenarios
of expenditure reductions and revenue enhancements and that almost all
departments met the required 10 percent reduction, while a few exceeded
the required reductions. He also noted Public Employee Retirement System
(PERS) costs were anticipated to increase by $2.48 million over the next
fiscal years, coupled with Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) costs which
are projected to increase by $3.2 million. He added other significant
increases comprised of Internal Service Funds, specifically the General
Liability and Workers Compensation Funds by almost $1.35 million; increase
in the Communications Replacement Fund in the amount of $314,000 that was
previously approved for incorporation into the recurring budget in FY
2003-04; and increase in the Computer Equipment Replacement Fund in the
amount of $103,000 to accommodate the purchase of new computers at the
Buena Vista Library.
In addition, he
reported departments were informed that no new position requests would be
granted unless they were revenue off-set, with the exception of positions
added at mid-year; positions that were frozen last fiscal year would
continue to be frozen; there was no allowable increase in Material,
Supplies and Services accounts (MS&S) unless non-discretionary; and that
no new capital outlay requests would be granted.
He recounted at the
May 22, 2003 Budget Study Session, staff projected to use $1,206,186 from
the Burbank Water and Power (BWP) Set-Aside Fund and that pursuant to
Council direction regarding the wish-list, the anticipated revenue amount
from fee increases in the Aquatic Program has been decreased; savings were
realized from Fund 532 resulting from lower replacement costs for the
aerial truck; two positions proposed for lay-offs without Supplemental
Employee Retirement Plan (SERP) offers have been extended for six months;
the City Clerk�s training budget was restored; Planning Board meals were
restored; half of the Positive Alternative for Youth (PAY) grants
appropriations was added for the phase-out approach, culminating in a
total deficit of $1,186,925 to be off set by the BWP Set-Aside Fund, of
which $92,047 is a non-recurring and $1,094,878 is a recurring
Mr. Hanway informed
the Council the proposed budget did not assume any loss of revenues
related to the State budget process and noted the Governor�s May Revision
to the State budget proposed cuts in redevelopment funding estimated to
cost the City�s Redevelopment Agency $2.8 million; the proposed budget
included $92,575 in Public Library Funds versus the State�s $2,800
allocation; the City budget included booking fees in the amount of
$12,772 but the line item was eliminated by the May Revision; and that
State mandate payments continued to be suspended while some were being
repealed to reduce the amount loaned by the City to the State.
He highlighted a few
significant components of the Fee Schedule which included: increase in
Transient Parking Tax from 10 to 12 percent; the second of a five-year
water rate increase plan of 4.8 percent per year; an 8.5 percent increase
in sewer rate fees; elimination of a $.43 monthly street sweeping fee;
increase in film permit fees from $200 to $300 and incorporating the new
street and sidewalk use fee of $200; increase in animal adoption fee from
$15 to $25 for altered dogs and $45 to $60 for dogs altered through the
Animal Shelter; increase in the safety personnel rates based on current
MOUs; various License and Code Services fees were removed form the Burbank
Municipal code and added to the Fee Resolution with minimal increases;
increase in monthly parking permit fees from $20 to $24 as part of a
three-year ramp up of $4 per year; and, increase in group picnic fees at
Robert Gross Park from $250 to $350.
Regarding the
Appropriations Limit, Mr. Hanway stated for legal compliance, the City was
required by State law to establish an appropriation limit each fiscal
year. He stated for FY 2003-04 the limit was $116,604,407 and the
appropriation subject to that limit was 86,174,216 to provide a
significant gap of $30,433,191.
Comment |
Appearing to comment were
Bud Alleman,
President of the Burbank Chamber of Commerce, in opposition to the
increase in the Transient Parking Tax (TPT) from 10 percent to 12 percent,
noting the voter approval was passed by a small margin, businesses are
already inundated with costs and this increase would impact both
businesses utilizing the parking as well as the parking businesses
themselves, requesting the Council remain business-friendly, as by
reducing taxes you stimulate economic growth; Doug Carter, owner/operator
of VSP Parking, in opposition to increasing the TPT due to the current
parking fee price wars at the Burbank Airport, stating his business was
already hard hit by decreasing revenues and such a tax would have to be
absorbed by the business owners; Stan Hyman, citing Assembly Bill (AB)
1690 and stating this bill allows the City to form a public safety finance
agency with the power to impose an income tax on residents, expressing
concern that the Council may be in support of this bill, requesting the
Council formally oppose the bill and contact Senator Jack Scott to express
their opposition; David Piroli, expressing concern with increased spending
and tax increases, as this decreases the public�s spending power, noting
redevelopment projects cost the City money, and urging the Council to not
support AB 1690 and to reduce spending; Molly Hyman, commenting on a loan
made by the City to the Redevelopment Agency; and Mark Barton, inquiring
how the Council can cut spending.
Closed |
There being no further response to the Mayor�s invitation for oral
comment, the hearing was declared closed.
Transient Parking
Mr. Golonski stated
in view of the fact that demand for parking remained constant, he was
supportive of raising the Transient Parking Tax (TPT) to 12 percent, and
added even with the increased TPT, customers would continue to pay less
for parking compared to what they paid prior to the price wars at the
Airport, and noted that the tax would be applied equally among the
competing businesses.
Mr. Vander Borght
acknowledged the impossibility of achieving a fair balance on the budget
but voiced his concern regarding the impetus for the TPT increase. He
expressed his objection to the increase since the impact would fall
heavily on small business owners.
Ms. Murphy stated
she was not supportive of the tax increase and noted the price wars and
the current unfavorable economic condition that would heavily impact small
business owners, especially around the Airport.
Mrs. Ramos pledged
her commitment to assist in resolving the Zelman/Airport parking issue and
stated she was not supportive of increasing the TPT at this time, but
would consider reviewing the issue in a year, recognizing future budget
Mr. Campbell stated
he was supportive of deferring the decision on increasing the TPT to a
future date.
Mr. Golonski
requested the matter be brought back at the mid-year budget review and
recognized the need to address the additional $300,000 shortfall in the
budget. Mr. Hanway recommended using the Burbank Water and Power (BWP)
Set-Aside Fund to offset the deficit.
The Council directed
staff to use the BWP Set-Aside Fund and bring the matter back for
discussion at the budget mid-year review.
Reporting on
Closed Session |
Mr. Barlow reported on the items considered by the City Council during the
Closed Session meetings.
First Period of
Communications |
Ms. Murphy called for speakers for the first period of oral communications
at this time.
Comment |
Appearing to comment were
Jim Goss, inviting
the community to attend the combined baccalaureate service of Burbank and
Burroughs High Schools; Rolf Darbo, stating the Platt Project was voted
down by both the Council and the Planning Board and yet the developer
continues to lobby the Council about a future project; Mark Barton,
commenting on the City�s sign regulations; Esther Espinoza, stating the
City is doing business with unlicensed contractors; Stan Hyman, commenting
that Mrs. Ramos recused herself unnecessarily from the Platt Project
discussion because her residence lays within a specific radius; and Molly
Hyman, inquiring why the City�s lobbyist has not informed the Council
regarding Assembly Bill 1690;
Response |
Members of the Council and staff responded to questions raised.
Second Period
of Oral
Communications |
Ms. Murphy called for speakers for the second period of oral
communications at this time.
Comment |
Appearing to comment were
Mark Barton,
inquiring how the Council can cut expenses without cutting services to the
residents; Esther Espinoza, in opposition to funding the Ota Student
Exchange Program because it is not reflective of the minority student
population, inquiring as to the purpose of the item regarding decorum at
public meetings; Eden Rosen, commenting on decorum at public meetings and
suggesting the Council validate the opinions of speakers in an effort to
diffuse their anger or violence, in opposition to funding the Ota Student
Exchange Program due to the state of the economy; David Piroli,
disagreeing with the purpose of the agenda item regarding decorum at
public meetings because anger is a subjective word, stating the criteria
for removing someone from a public meeting should not be arbitrary,
stating the issue of the crosswalk at the Airport is the subject of a
Court action and that a Judge has ruled against an injunction to keep
pedestrians from crossing at that location, noting police duties can
easily be offered to other law enforcement agencies; Howard Rothenbach,
stating withdrawal of Burbank Police Officers from the Airport would only
hurt our own officers, stating in the years he has attended Council
meetings he has never seen a speaker get violent and indicating there was
no need to revise the rules pertaining to decorum at Council meetings; and
Mike Nolan, stating he has attended Council meetings for 43 years and has
never seen a member of the public jeopardize the safety of a public
official, stating the agenda item regarding decorum at public meetings is
unnecessary, expressing appreciation to the Council for not increasing
aquatic fees for Burbank children, and objecting to the City�s
contribution towards the printing of the Burbank Chamber of Commerce�s
Business Guide.
Response |
Members of the Council and staff responded to questions raised.
8:25 P.M.
Recess |
The Council recessed to permit the Parking Authority and Youth Endowment
Services Fund Board to hold their meetings. The Council reconvened at
8:26 p.m. with all members present.
Motion |
It was moved by Mrs. Ramos and seconded by Mr. Campbell that "the
following items on the consent calendar be approved as recommended.�
Approved |
The minutes for the regular meetings of March 25, April 1 and April 8,
2003 were approved as submitted.
Thomas Bros.
Map License
Revise Spec. of
Senior Civil Eng/
Adopted |
The consent calendar was adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Council Members
Campbell, Golonski, Ramos, Vander
Borght and Murphy.
Noes: Council Members None.
Absent: Council Members None.
Close-Up Funding
for Sister City
Program |
Mrs. Cohen, Library
Services Director, referred to Council Member Ramos� previous request to
provide $10,000 to the Sister City Committee to be used for the Student
Exchange Program and stated the Council directed staff to provide options
of how the funds would be spent. She added after much discussion, the
Sister City Committee made the following recommendations: scholarships for
needy students who otherwise might not be able to participate in the
exchange would be established; the funds would be available to provide
scholarships for the 2005 and 2007 student exchange trips and beyond as
funding allowed; no more than three scholarships would be offered per year
to prevent difficulties in meeting the hosting commitments for subsequent
years; the funds would be designated for airfare; and a scholarship
application would be developed to determine financial need for the
students. She added prospective students would still need to apply for
the program, with the option of applying for the scholarship and the
Committee would continue to use normal resources for advertising the
scholarships� availability though the schools, Library, Burbank Television
(Channel 6), the Outreach Center, etc., as well as investigate other
effective outreach methods.
Motion |
Following Council deliberation, it was moved by Mrs. Ramos and seconded by
Mr. Campbell that �the Council approve $10,000 from the remaining Close-Up
Program Funds to the Sister City Committee to establish scholarships to
assist qualified Burbank students with demonstrated financial need to pay
airfare for the Burbank Sister City Student Exchange with Ota, Japan.�
Carried |
The motion carried by the following vote:
Ayes: Council Members
Campbell, Golonski, Ramos, Vander
Borght and Murphy.
Noes: Council Members None.
Absent: Council Members None.
Use of Burbank
Police Officers at
Mr. Barlow, City
Attorney, reported this item was placed on the agenda at Council Member
Golonski�s request to discuss the use of Burbank Police Officers at the
Burbank-Glendale-Pasadena Airport. He stated following the events of
September 11, 2001, the Airport was mandated to upgrade its police force
which was initially accomplished by adding police officers from other
agencies, including Burbank, and that reliance on these additional
officers has been gradually reduced as the Airport increased the numbers
and expertise of its own force.
He added the Airport
was also involved in a dispute with the owner of a neighboring parking
lot, prompting the removal of the previously-marked crosswalk and
installation of a �no crossing� sign at the corner of the private parking
lot to stop pedestrians from crossing the perimeter road. He further
reported citations have been issued to pedestrians who continue to cross
at that location and clarified there was no information suggesting Burbank
Police Officers were performing this function. He informed the Council,
following court action, the issuance of citations at that location has
been suspended.
Ms. Murphy inquired
as to the Airport�s future plans regarding this crosswalk and Dios
Marrero, Airport Executive Director, testified as to the Authority�s
reasons for concern with pedestrians crossing at this location posing
safety and liability concerns, but noted the issue was being considered by
the Authority in closed session and he was not able to provide more
The Council noted and filed the report.
BWP Financial
Reserves Policy |
Mr. Corbi, Chief
Financial Officer, Burbank Water and Power (BWP) presented BWP�s proposed
Financial Reserve Policy. He noted in previous years, the Water Fund was
in a negative cash position with the Electric Fund in no better position.
He noted following deregulation, the utility faced higher costs and
increased volatility in the energy markets and reported risk mitigation
measures had now been put in place including a Risk Management Policy; a
diversified Energy Resource Portfolio; and the ability to adjust rates.
Alex Burnett,
Managing Director of Public Financial Management (PFM) gave a PowerPoint
presentation on the objectives of the policy, the methodology and basis
for recommendation. He noted the Financial Reserve Policy was based on
three tenets; national practices for comparable utilities; industry
benchmarks from the financial and credit markets including the rating
agencies; and, most importantly, very specific risk methodology to BWP,
with the objective to mitigate risk while promoting long-term fiscal and
rate stability and balancing competing pressures to decrease rates while
funding reserves. He added the Reserves Policy did not require any
electric rate changes and recommended the creation of four reserves:
General Operating Reserve; Debt Reduction and Capital Funding Reserve to
fund capital projects and/or debt prepayments; Fleet Replacement Reserve
to provide funds to cover future acquisition for the Electric Division and
for shared vehicles between the Electric and Water Divisions; and General
Plant Reserve to cover the renewal and replacement of existing plant
infrastructure, with a methodology of providing a minimum and recommended
level for each reserve. He added the policy was developed consistent to
the credit rating agencies, and that risk mitigating tools were also
considered. He explained the components of each recommended reserve, and
described the minimum and recommended operating reserve levels.
Regarding the Water
Division, Mr. Burnett stated a similar approach was taken with
recommendation for two reserves: General Operating Reserve, and a Capital
Reserve to provide capital funding and flexibility to implement capital
projects on an emergency basis or as opportunity arose, including the
fleet replacement costs. He explained the different reserves and
concluded with staff�s recommendation for the Council to adopt the
Financial Reserves Policy.
Motion |
It was moved by Mr. Golonski and seconded by Mr. Vander Borght that �the
Council adopt BWP�s Financial Reserves Policy for recommended reserve
levels and funding strategies as discussed in the staff report.�
Carried |
The motion carried by the following vote:
Ayes: Council Members
Campbell, Golonski, Ramos, Vander
Borght and Murphy.
Noes: Council Members None.
Absent: Council Members None.
Decorum at
City Council,
and Committee
Meetings |
Mr. Barlow, City Attorney, stated the Ralph M. Brown Act acknowledges the
right and necessity of occasionally removing persons from Council meetings
for disturbance. He added although rarely used, the Council has adopted
such rules to assure the ability to conduct the business of the people of
the City. He informed the Council staff has reviewed these rules from
time to time and noted a gap in the regulations that allows for the
individual to be removed from the meeting but not barred from staying on
the property posing possible safety concerns. He stated staff recommended
an amendment which would require the individual to not only leave the
building, but the property on which the meeting is held, including
adjacent parking lots, and not return for three hours after the meeting
was adjourned.
Introduced |
Following Council discussion it was moved by Mr. Golonski and seconded by
Mrs. Ramos that �the following ordinance be introduced and read for the
first time by title only and be passed to the second reading.� The
ordinance was introduced and the title read:
Decorum at
City Council,
and Committee
Meetings |
Carried |
The motion carried by the following vote:
Ayes: Council Members
Campbell, Golonski, Ramos, Vander
Borght and Murphy.
Noes: Council Members None.
Absent: Council Members None.
9:30 P.M.
Redev., Housing,
Parking, and YES
Meetings |
The Redevelopment Agency, Housing Authority, Parking Authority, and Youth
Endowment Services Fund Board meetings were reconvened at this time.
Third Period of
Communication |
Ms. Murphy called for speakers for the third period of oral communications
at this time.
Comment |
Appearing to comment were
Eden Rosen, expressing concerns with traffic at Clark Avenue and Victory
Boulevard, suggesting communication between Boards/Committees and members
of the public be improved to avoid confrontations; Mike Nolan, citing an
instance where he was removed from a Council meeting, commenting on
remodeling of a business located in close proximity to senior housing
during late hours, and in opposition to a recent Council decision to close
a traffic lane on Magnolia Boulevard; and Howard Rothenbach, expressing
concern with the installation of restrictive left-turn signals which keep
drivers from making a left turn when there is no oncoming traffic.
Members of the Council and staff responded to questions raised.
Adjournment |
There being no further business to come before the Council, the meeting
was adjourned at 9:44 p.m.
____________________________ s/Margarita Campos
Margarita Campos, City Clerk
s/Stacey Murphy
of the Council
of the City
of Burbank