City of Burbank - Council Minutes

Saturday, May 3, 2003

An adjourned meeting of the Council of the City of Burbank was called to order this date in the Celebration Gala Room at the Burbank Airport Hilton, 2500 Hollywood Way, at 9:11 a.m., by Ms. Murphy, Mayor.





Council Members Campbell, Golonski, Ramos, Vander Borght and Murphy.

Absent - - - -

Council Members None.

Also Present -

Ms. Alvord, City Manager; Mr. Barlow, City Attorney; and, Mrs. Campos, City Clerk.





There was no response to the Mayor�s invitation for oral communications at this time.



Review of


Ms. Alvord reviewed the agenda, noting the budget would not be reviewed at this meeting because budget discussions had already begun during regularly-scheduled Council meetings.



Expectations of


Ms. Alvord reminded the Council that this item is traditionally included on the goal setting agenda, and was amended at last year�s goal setting meeting.  She reviewed the following expectations of staff, including:  providing effective communications, which calls for reports and presentations being made in an understandable and non-bureaucratic manner; objective analysis of the issues; recommendations being made on each major issue; faithful compliance with Council direction; keeping the Council well-informed and forewarned as to potential problems or issues; maintaining an open, cooperative, impartial and supportive relationship with all members of the Council; staff being available and responsive to Council Members, noting Council Members should conduct their dealings with staff through the Department Managers; taking direction from the Council as a body; raising any differences between Council and staff in a timely manner; and implementing the Council�s decisions by the Management Team. 


The Council had no additional comments about this presentation.



How We Work


Next, Ms. Alvord discussed the basic principles of a document entitled �How We Work Together,� and enumerated the following points:  moving on once votes are taken; keeping focused on issues; demonstrating respect for each other; guarding against unnecessary disruptive comments; working to elevate issues above the personal level; cautioning against seriatim deliberations; being sensitive to everyone; accepting the fact that wanting to do things differently is not an indictment of the past; moving towards positive interactions with each other; remaining united as a body; refraining from making comments which could be interpreted as using the press against each other; disciplining themselves to commenting during the discussion period before the vote is taken; being hard on the issue, easy on the person; always disagreeing respectfully without demeaning another person; recognizing the Council is a team of individuals working in a collaborative system toward a common goal; not being afraid to fail, promoting an environment where Council Members and staff can share their ideas without fear of ridicule or criticism; and, reporting any Council subcommittee status to the full Council on a regular basis.


Mr. Golonski commented the Council often does not have much deliberation, noting the Council sometimes moves too quickly through complex items, perhaps due to the fact that the item has been in the works for a long period of time, because this gives the public the impression that the Council has not given much thought before the vote is taken.


Mayor Murphy stated the agendas are sometimes too overloaded, and requested that complex items not be placed on the same agenda so that the Council can spend quality time on the complex issues.  Ms. Alvord agreed and noted staff would carefully construct the agendas in order to facilitate discussion on complex issues.  Mr. Golonski requested that Executive Sessions be limited to one hour. 


Mayor Murphy noted the upcoming budget process would be among the most difficult and expected the Council Members will have a difficult time making cuts, and requested the Council be respectful of each other and remember to not take it personally if a Council Member�s favorite program is cut.  Ms. Alvord requested that the Council also not take the Department�s suggested cuts personally.


Mr. Campbell recognized the frustration level caused by Brown Act provisions, which keep the Council Members from speaking to each other about issues.  He suggested the Council Members not take a position prior to expressing their opinion during deliberations, as that would cause embarrassment for the Council Member if they subsequently change their mind about an issue.




Liaisons to


Task Forces/


The Council received the current list of Council and Redevelopment Agency Liaisons to Committees/Task Forces/Boards and the following changes were made after Council deliberation:  Mayor Murphy will remain as the representative to the Southern California Association of Government�s (SCAG) Truck Lanes Task Force and Aviation Subcommittee, noting her seat on the Regional Council has been filled by Glendale Council Member Yousefian; with regard to the Arroyo Verdugo Subregion of SCAG, Mr. Campbell will serve on the Policy Committee, Mrs. Ramos will remain on the Subcommittee on Community, Economic, and Housing Development, and Mrs. Georgino reported briefly on the status of the Transportation Subcommittee; Mayor Murphy will remain on the San Fernando Valley Transit Zone Government Policy Committee; Mayor Murphy will serve as the Chamber of Commerce Liaison; Mayor Murphy will serve as the representative, and Mr. Vander Borght as the alternate, to the League of California Cities, with Mayor Murphy serving as the League Legislative Delegate; Mr. Golonski and Mr. Vander Borght will serve on the Public Information Office Advisory Committee; Mayor Murphy and Mrs. Ramos will remain on the Treasurer�s Office Subcommittee; Mr. Vander Borght will serve as the representative to Providence St. Joseph Medical Center; Mrs. Ramos and Mr. Campbell will serve on the Domestic Violence Task Force; and, Mrs. Ramos and Mr. Vander Borght will remain on the Audit Committee.


With regard to real estate negotiations, all assignments remained the same, with the exception of the Center Trust/Downtown Revitalization Task Force, with Mr. Campbell and Mr. Golonski being assigned to this subcommittee; Mr. Golonski and Mr. Vander Borght will remain on the Peyton-Grismer Neighborhood Revitalization Subcommittee; Mayor Murphy and Mr. Golonski will remain on the Joint Action Group; Mayor Murphy and Mr. Golonski will serve on the Youth Task Force; Mayor Murphy will remain on the Economic Alliance, with Mrs. Ramos serving as alternate; Mr. Campbell and Mr. Vander Borght will serve on the Environmental Subcommittee; Mr. Campbell will serve as the representative to the Burbank Association of Realtors; Mayor Murphy and Mr. Vander Borght will remain as liaisons to the Magnolia Park Citizens Advisory Committee; Mrs. Ramos and Mr. Golonski will remain on the Affordable Housing Committee; Mr. Campbell and Mr. Vander Borght will serve on the Development and Community Services Building (DCSB) Advisory Committee; Mr. Golonski and Mrs. Ramos will remain on the Old Buena Vista Library Site Committee; Mr. Campbell and Mr. Vander Borght will serve on the Opportunity Site 6B Committee; Mayor Murphy and Mr. Campbell will serve on the Airport Subcommittee; Mayor Murphy and Mrs. Ramos will serve on the Sister city Committee; Mrs. Ramos will serve on the Media Relations Committee; Mr. Campbell and Mr. Golonski will serve on the Childcare Subcommittee; Mr. Campbell and Mrs. Ramos will serve on the Library Subcommittee; and, Mrs. Ramos and Mr. Vander Borght will serve on the DeBell Golf Clubhouse Committee.



Discussion of

Decorum at City

Council Meetings

Mr. Barlow stated this issue has been on the agenda for the past two to three years.  He noted that in his opinion, the periods of oral communications are working well.  In recognition of the fact that the Council had a new member, Mr. Barlow outlined the rules observed at Council meetings as follows: 1) When Council Members speak, they should ask to be recognized before speaking; 2) Council Members should refrain from making personal attacks on each other;  3) Council Members should not interrupt each other except when making a point of order; 4) if a Council Member is present  in the chamber and does not audibly vote, their silence is deemed and counted as an Aye vote; and,  5) if a Council Member has a conflict, the law requires that they abstain and leave the room.  Mr. Barlow noted that, although not a part of the ordinance, the Council had adopted by motion a rule regarding Council Members not speaking for more than five minutes to make initial comments on agenda items.  He also stated a Council Member could make a motion to reconsider an item which had passed or failed at that same or at a subsequent meeting; however, if there has been an action to approve, and somebody has vested rights in the meantime, then obviously the Council cannot reconsider the item (such as with entitlements approved by the Council).  Mr. Barlow added that the public cannot ask questions of individual Council Members unless they go through the Chair, and that the Council has asked that the City Attorney assist the Mayor in deciding whether oral communications items are related to an agenda item, and that speakers cannot share their time with another speaker, and cannot accumulate their time. 


Next, Mr. Barlow outlined the duties of the Sergeant-At-Arms, which include keeping people out of the Council Chamber if the Fire Marshall determined that the occupancy level had been reached, that he may require those standing in the Chamber to take a seat, and that he may also warn anyone who shouts out, laughs, or claps that their disruptive behavior is not acceptable during a Council Meeting.  The  Council discussed scheduling future large meetings in another site due to occupancy constraints. In conclusion, Mr. Barlow requested that the Council refrain from interfering if the Sergeant-At-Arms removes or starts to remove someone from the Council Chamber. Chief Hoefel reemphasized this rule was instituted to take the pressure from the Council Members and reminded the Council that validation of the conduct of some individuals at Council meetings allows them to think their conduct can spill over to staff during the week.


Mr. Golonski requested to discuss a zero tolerance policy with regard to people who disrupt the meeting by yelling out etc., and requested to place on the agenda returning to the five-minute oral communications policy. Mrs. Georgino added that behavior which is accepted at Council meetings accelerates at other Board meetings, such as the Planning Board, where there is no Police Officer present, noting the Council is setting the tone for other boards and commissions.


Mr. Campbell inquired whether there had been any efforts to speak to the advocates who attend the Council meetings about more positive ways to communicate with the Council, stating he does not approve of the name-calling by speakers.  Mr. Golonski clarified that his zero-tolerance policy was meant for those who were abusing the rules and treading on other people�s rights, noting speakers clearly had a right to say anything they wanted. Ms. Alvord stated she had received input from other participants at the meeting that they have had a difficult time hearing the meeting due to the disruption by certain individuals, and that they felt intimidated by the behavior of certain individuals.  Mr. Barlow affirmed that speakers had a right to make whatever comments they wish, as long as they were not infringing on the rights of another. 



Goals and

Priorities of

Individual Council


Mayor Murphy asked each Council Member to state their goals and priorities for the upcoming Fiscal Year.


Mrs. Ramos listed the following items:

1)    Under the category of Economy:  Budget (identify, collaborate, communicate); economic growth; and business retention;

2)   Under the category of Environmental Issues:   Traffic/transportation issues; beautification (South San Fernando Park/Streetscape, emphasizing  the  zero-scape concept of water conservation; remaining vigilant on Airport matters, including alternative fuel uses; continuing forward with Development Standards

3)   Under the category of Community/Social Issues:  Youth programming, continued outreach to most at-risk youth, assure the connection is made with the target audience through the collaborative efforts of Teens in Action and the Public Information Office component; Communication, the sense of community is obvious through the Land Use Element questionnaire answers, make sure that all segments of the community are being reached; continue to communicate with Federal, State Legislators and our colleagues in other cities; School/City Collaboration, work on the efficiencies of services and school safety issues; Housing, prioritize the Blue Ribbon Task Force recommendations.




Mr. Vander Borght listed the following items:


1)          Reduce traffic congestion on residential streets;

2)      Improving civic aesthetics, including pocket parks, monuments and other opportunities;

3)        Revitalization of Downtown, including the survival of the Mall and continued efforts to make the Village a viable/successful area;

4)          Increasing parking opportunities in strip-commercial zones, such as on Magnolia, Burbank and Glenoaks Boulevards;

5)          Increasing the City�s revenues;

6)          Undergrounding of utilities;

7)          Working on alternative public transportation, including development of the Chandler Accessway and better utilization of services such as shuttle service;

8)          Looking for opportunities to support the public school system as well as better utilizing the resources of the City�s private schools;

9)          Monitor and support the Part 161 Study in an effort to attain the nighttime curfew



Mr. Campbell listed the following items:

  1. Addressing the budget and regional concerns by strengthening our Sacramento and regional presence through coalition building, and combining the legislative resources;

  2. Developing a Traffic and Transportation Strategic Mitigation Plan, including a regional review of mitigation efforts, and analyzing funds that we can seek such as �Clean Fleet Program� to achieve the goals;

  3. Burbank Unified School District (BUSD) participation, noting library cuts in Sacramento may put a strain on the schools� libraries which will impact the City;

  4. Airport mitigation, noting despite the sabbatical, the issue will remain and we need to continue our work on it and strive for more short-term goals, Environmental Protection Agency protections for residential areas, looking at the legislative aspect to resolve the issues and look to coalition-building for this purpose;

  5. Developing a renewal energy portfolio or program, and adopt LEEDS Standards for public facilities, and possibly incentives for private construction;

  6. Neighborhood protection/beautification, which may include the viewshed ordinance, progressive efforts on mountain preservation, and streetscaping, especially in neglected areas;

  7. Urban renewal of blighted areas and Downtown revitalization, attempting to bring back Burbank�s classic look;

  8. Recreation and open-space opportunities, childcare needs , soccer fields to help youth participate in sports;

  9. Land use review;

  10. Clean water, including a storm drain initiative, making sure the supplies are safe, and partnering with other advocacy groups to that end.



Mr. Golonski listed the following items:

  1. Balance the budget for the next five years;

  2. Continue efforts on behalf of youth, making sure that our efforts are reaching all segments of youth;

  3. Improve our relationship with the City of Glendale, as this may be the key to the long-term resolution of the Airport issue;

  4. Address affordable housing needs in the community, in combination with neighborhood revitalization/ community building;

  5. Infrastructure and utility development/maintenance, cautioning not to lose track of the basics, especially during tight budget times, for things such as maintaining streets, sewers, noting the achievements of Burbank Water & Power in areas such as in the reduction of air pollution by retrofitting the Olive Units;

  6. Renewed effort to build a strong relationship with the schools, including the community, noting the success of the Peace Builders Program.



Mayor Murphy listed the following items:

  1. Continue the South San Fernando Revitalization;

  2. Continue to address the Magnolia Park/Burbank Boulevard parking problems;

  3. Housing, make sure we�re all going in the same direction with regard to housing issues, to have a very clear goal;

  4. Traffic, look more closely at traffic impacts when entitling developments;

  5. Reuse of the former Buena Vista Branch Library;

  6. Conditional Use Permit (CUP) process, problems have arisen wherein businesses do not comply with the CUP requirements, keep more of a handle on the CUPs to avoid violations;

  7. Airport, build collaborative relationships to assist in successful resolution of issues, work more closely with the City of Glendale, improve relationships with the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA),  Tom LaBonge and Wendy Gruel, Los Angeles Council Members;

  8. Better direction prior to developments coming before the Council, master planning of areas so that developers don�t waste their time/money on  projects which the Council does not approve, noting the Media District Specific Plan did not address mixed-uses and requesting to review it;

  9. Streamline the process to maintain communication with neighborhoods, especially when a development is being proposed in the neighborhood, so that residents are not required to attend many meetings to give input;

  10. Bonds for the new Library.



Discussion ensued about the importance of renewing Burbank Unified School District (BUSD)/City collaborative efforts, and Mr. Golonski requested a joint Council/School Board meeting be scheduled which could be held at the Buena Vista Branch Library. Mayor Murphy noted that less formal presentations from staff will facility more dialogue among the Council/School Board Members at this meeting.

Mrs. Ramos expressed appreciation to the staff for following through with goals which were identified by the Council during the previous year. 




11:39 A.M.

The City Council Goal Setting Workshop ended at this time and the City Council met in the Executive Board Room to conduct a Closed Session on the following matters:


a.     Conference with Labor Negotiator:

Pursuant to Govt. Code �54957.6

Name of the Agency Negotiator:  Management Services Director/John Nicoll

Name of Organization Representing Employee: Represented: Burbank City Employees Association, Burbank Management Association, International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, Burbank Firefighters Association, Burbank Firefighters Chief Officers Unit, and Burbank Police Officers Association; Unrepresented, and Appointed Officials

Summary of Labor Issues to be Negotiated:  Current Contracts and Retirement Issues.


b.    Public Employee Performance Evaluation:

       Pursuant to Govt. Code �54957

       Title of Employee�s Position:  City Manager.



                            s/Margarita Campos   _______________________________Margarita Campos, City Clerk







      s/Stacey Murphy              

      Mayor of the Council

     of the City of Burbank


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