CITY COUNCIL GOAL SETTING WORKSHOP Saturday May 3, 2003 Burbank Hilton Celebration Gala (Main Hotel Building) 9:00 a.m. (to approximately 1:30 p.m.) Workshop
1. Call to Order/Roll Call
2. Oral Communications
3. Review Agenda
4. "Our Expectations of Staff"
5. "How We Work Together-Our Expectations of Each Other"
6. Council/Agency Liaisons to Committees/Coalitions
7. Discussion of Decorum at City Council Meetings
8. Goals and Priorities of Council Members/Community Issues for the upcoming year
Following the Workshop, the Council will convene in the Executive Board Room for a Closed Session to discuss the following matters:
a. Conference with Labor Negotiator: Pursuant to Govt. Code �54957.6 Name of the Agency Negotiator: Management Services Director/John Nicoll Name of Organization Representing Employee: Represented: Burbank City Employees Association, Burbank Management Association, International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, Burbank Firefighters Association, Burbank Firefighters Chief Officers Unit, and Burbank Police Officers Association; Unrepresented, and Appointed Officials. Summary of Labor Issues to be Negotiated: Current Contracts and Retirement Issues.
b. Public Employee Performance Evaluation: Pursuant to Govt. Code �54957 Title of Employee�s Position: City Manager.
9. Adjournment