City of Burbank - Council Minutes

Thursday, May 1, 2003

In accordance with Section 6 of the Charter of the City of Burbank, a meeting of the Council was held in the Council Chamber of the City Hall, 275 East Olive Avenue, on the above date for the purpose of selecting a new Mayor, Vice Mayor, and to make appointments to the League of California Cities.  The meeting was called to order at 10:06 a.m. by Mr. Laurell, Mayor.


The invocation was given by John Nicoll, Management Services Director.


The pledge of allegiance to the flag was led by Connor Murphy.




Council Members Golonski, Murphy, Ramos, Vander Borght and Laurell.

Absent - - - -

Council Members None.

Also Present -

Ms. Alvord, City Manager; Mr. Barlow, City Attorney; and, Mrs. Campos, City Clerk.





There was no response to the Mayor�s invitation for oral communications.



Mayor Laurell

Mayor Laurell made welcoming remarks and expressed appreciation to all those who assisted him during his tenure on the City Council. In particular, he thanked Lieutenant Lowers and Officer Ryburn, Police Detective, Burbank Police Officers Association; Captain Lew Stone and the Burbank Fire Fighters; Mrs. Mary Alice O�Connor; former Mayor Mary Lou Howard; former Mayors Bob Kramer and Bill Wiggins; Jack O�Neill, Vice President of NBC; Paul Hubler, former Editor of the Burbank Leader; and, Council Member-Elect Todd Campbell. Mayor Laurell recognized his wife, Max, for her constant support, and presented her with a gift.


Mayor Laurell also expressed appreciation to Burbank residents for the opportunity to serve on the City Council, and noted the Council�s accomplishments are a team effort.  He remarked on programs which were implemented during his tenure and of which he was very proud, including:  the Got Wheels Program, enhancement of the youth programs, the Empire Center, the appointment of Mary Alvord to serve as City Manager and the naming of Bud Ovrom Park in honor of former City Manager Ovrom.


Next, Mayor Laurell presented gifts to the members of the Executive Team and selected staff. 


Vice Mayor Murphy commended Mayor Laurell for his years of service and noted his accomplishments which included: opening of the Graciela Hotel; reopening of SkyBluPink; noted Mayor Laurell�s trip to Incheon, Korea, one of Burbank�s Sister Cities; opening of the new Buena Vista Branch Library; and the Chandler Accessway groundbreaking. She thanked Mayor Laurell for his service to the City and presented him with the gavel plaque and the Mayor�s badge plaque, and a photograph of the City Council. Council Member Golonski presented a bouquet of flowers to Mrs. Laurell.



City Manager

Mrs. Alvord presented a video tribute and the traditional scrapbook to Mayor Laurell, commemorating the Mayor�s term, and expressing her appreciation.



Mayor Laurell

Mayor Laurell expressed appreciation and presented gifts to Vice Mayor Murphy and Council Members Ramos, Golonski and Vander Borght.




Presentations were made to Mayor Laurell by the following:  Susan Bowers, Executive Director, Burbank Chamber of Commerce; Larry Horner, representing Congressman Brad Sherman; Nick Samaniego, representing Congressman Adam Schiff; Barbara Paul, representing Senator Jack Scott; Paul Arne, representing Assemblyman Dario Frommer; and, Rita Hadjimanoukian, representing Supervisor Michael Antonovich.


Mrs. Ramos expressed appreciation to Mayor Laurell, commended him for the Key to the City programs, presented him with gifts, and read a newspaper article commemorating the occasion.  Mr. Golonski presented Mayor Laurell with a life-size poster of Mayor Laurell.


Mayor Laurell expressed final words of appreciation to the Council, and stepped down from the dais.





Vice Mayor Murphy stated that �this is the time prescribed by the City Charter for the induction of newly elected City Officials.�



Oath of Office

To Council


Mrs. Campos administered the Oath of Office to newly elected Council Members Campbell and Vander Borght.  She then presented them with Certificates of Election to Office. 





Mr. Vander Borght returned to his seat on the dais and made brief remarks and read from a letter sent to him from a first-time Burbank voter, Mrs. Judith Rios.  He introduced his family and friends, his wife Susan and business partner, Kenneth Lee. 


Mr. Campbell occupied the vacant seat on the dais and expressed appreciation to the members of the community and City staff, and commended the City for providing the residents with high quality services. He presented bouquets of flowers to Cele Burke, representing the Burbank community, his parents, Harry and Diane Campbell and Christen Connell, and introduced other family and friends who were present. Mr. Campbell also expressed appreciation to his family and friends, campaign volunteers, supporters and colleagues on the Council, and recognized the League of Women Voters and the Chamber of Commerce for their efforts in conducting the candidate forums.   




Vice Mayor Murphy stated that �now is the time prescribed by the City Charter for the reorganization of the City Council.  Motions for the selection of Mayor and Vice Mayor are needed.�




Ms. Murphy


It was moved by Mr. Vander Borght, seconded by Mrs. Ramos and carried that "Vice Mayor Murphy be appointed to succeed Mayor Laurell as Mayor of the City of Burbank.�



Mayor Murphy

Mayor Murphy thanked the Council members for the appointment and introduced her family. She noted the major challenge facing the City as the budget crisis and stated she was confident the City would recover from this crisis as in the time when Lockheed left Burbank. She expressed anticipation towards the completion of the South San Fernando Park and the Chandler Accessway Bikeway. She also noted traffic congestion as a major challenge expressed by the public, and affirmed the Council would consider this issue a priority as well as continuing to maintain the small-town-feel and cleanliness.




Mrs. Ramos

Vice Mayor

It was moved by Mr. Golonski, seconded by Mr. Vander Borght and carried that "Mrs. Ramos be selected as Vice Mayor of the City of Burbank.�



Mrs. Ramos

Mrs. Ramos thanked the Council members for the appointment and stated there were several challenges facing the City, but noted the ability of the Council, the Executive Team and the citizenry to overcome the crisis. She introduced her husband, David, and other family members present.







It was moved by Mrs. Ramos, seconded by Mr. Golonski and carried that "Ms. Murphy be appointed to serve as the City�s Director to the Los Angeles Division of the League of California Cities and that Mr. Vander Borght serve as the alternate.�




There being no further business to come before the Council, the meeting was adjourned at 12:19 p.m. to Saturday, May 3, 2003, at 9:00 a.m. in the Celebration Gala Room at the Burbank Airport Hilton, 2500 Hollywood Way, for the City Council Goal Setting Workshop.




___s/Margarita Campos           

              Margarita Campos, City Clerk






   s/Stacey Murphy             

     Mayor of the Council

    of the City of Burbank


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